
Software, conclusion

The software wasn't that hard, basically I took Marcel de Kogels chip8-emu, added my own routines for input and output, and ported the thing to the LPC2103-chipset. Aside from yer olde snafus you always run into when porting code, it wasn't that hard. The code is still a bit on the hackish side, tho', for example I still want to make the keys configurable (the original hardware the chip8-software ran on had a 16 keys, this console only has 6) and I do need to invent some way to change binaries without uploading the complete emu again. Because of these things, I won't make the firmware available on this site yet: please mail me for the code.

Ow, and I didn't win the hackaday design challenge. Well, better luck next time :)

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elan wrote at 14 Aug 2007, 19.48:

Please send me documentation to ymf262@gmail.com . Can You help me with Atmel(arm) based opensource handheld in future??? I can design case. elan

^Criks^ wrote at 17 May 2007, 20.22:

sweet, :)

T.A. wrote at 8 Apr 2007, 21.06:

This is absolutely awesome, but I mailed the author for the firmware and build instructions and he didn't replyed. Is there anyone who has the firmware for the lpc microcontroller and can sent it to me? My mail adress is alex2pb{@}yahoo.com (remove the {}). Thanks!

blah wrote at 22 Mar 2007, 18.34:

Where did the arm chip come from?

FOLSER wrote at 5 Mar 2007, 20.19:

Your cicuit is repulsive, the project is interesting

Psykhon wrote at 4 Mar 2007, 3.15:

Congratulations man! this is an awesome implementation and will serve as a basis for a lpc prototype board there im planning. Regards from Argentina

K9spud wrote at 3 Mar 2007, 21.57:

Might be a good use for the Microchip MCP1253-33X50: "Inductorless, positive regulating, low noise charge pump DC-to-DC converter. It has selectable outputs of either 3.3V or 5.0V and can deliver 120mA of load current at the selected regulated output voltage. Since the device incorporates an automatic buck/boost feature, it will maintain the regulated output voltage whether the input voltage is above or below the output voltage." http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1335&dDocName=en010595

Sprite_tm wrote at 3 Mar 2007, 20.31:

sackofcatfood: It would work, but prolly for not more than a few minutes. I've been thinking of using just 2 1.5V batteries or one 3V-cell, but the problem is that the voltage of these things go down during the life span of the batteries. That'd mean that the complete device would stop working while the battery is only half empty.

sackofcatfood wrote at 3 Mar 2007, 20.19:

"a LM317L to create 3.3V out of whatever the board is connected to" Would a couple of watch batteries do it? Would be a shame to have such an elegantly small device that needed a big powersupply to go along with. :p

doku wrote at 3 Mar 2007, 20.19:

Nuxie1 did a great job all together but I'd rather have something like this on a business card. Gets the readers choice award from me. Hope you continue to improve on it and add a bit of polish.

Sprite_tm wrote at 3 Mar 2007, 19.50:

From an old Nokia 5110 I had lying around. It's possible to buy them online too, though, and they shouldn't set you back more than a tenner if you look at the right places.

K9spud wrote at 3 Mar 2007, 19.34:

I love this. Nice project. I would have voted for this one. Where do you get the LCD?

Andrew Djuplin wrote at 3 Mar 2007, 19.05:

[Nuxie1]'s project looked better, but I liked yours alot better. Sorry you didn't win, and better luck next time.

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