

Welcome to Spritesmods. At this site, I'll document my more interesting hacks for your viewing pleasure. While it's not updated that regularly, I try to add an article about every month.

Ow, by the way: all the pictures are thumbnails. You can click on them to get the originals, straight from my camera. If you want to comment on an article, there's a discussion area at the last page of every one of 'em.

You can follow Spritesmods on the Fediverse (Mastodon, Pleroma etc) too if you want to know about the projects I'm working on, that may or may not eventually make it to the site.

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Last added projects:
May 23 2024: E-ink digit clock
Apr 23 2023: A WiFi color Eink picture frame
Dec 2 2022: A Christmas tree bauble that plays Doom
Jul 19 2022: A tiny Pinball Fantasies table

This website is completely Web1.106a compliant.



Joey strong wrote at 30 Mar 2023, 6.29:

Hey man. Are you the chap who ran doom on the rigol? HahaIs there anyway you can email please. Charliecat2015@gmail.com

Dean wrote at 4 Dec 2022, 20.57:

Is there a particular device that I might be able to extract AT Tiny ICs from? Have gone through hundreds and hundreds of boards of many types, and looked very closely, but cannot find anything like what your hacks often use. Yes, I see a fair amount of Atmel EEPROMs. Keeping my eyes open but could you give me a hint where to look? Trying to reuse things.

Raynel Rodriguez wrote at 20 May 2022, 15.05:

Very interesting pages, congratulations!

Kevin wrote at 9 Jun 2021, 17.52:

Cool website!

math wrote at 18 Jan 2019, 13.12:

Congratulations for the Magic Paintbrush. You are the guy!!!

mrmajik45 wrote at 7 Feb 2018, 3.06:

Check out the PocketSprite, a portable retro gaming device: https://pocketsprite.com/

Sprite_tm wrote at 23 Jan 2018, 6.30:

Yes, I am fine - just doing lots of stuff I don't have time to put on this site. I'm working on documenting the tiny Macintosh Plus I made; I did a talk about it previously and I need to write it all out and put it on the site. I'd really like to get working on some more small projects again - the big ones are cool but if you want to finish them, a year can fly by without problems.

guest wrote at 6 Jan 2018, 17.07:

Last project one and a half year ago, i hope everything is ok for you!

Kurt P. Germany wrote at 7 Dec 2017, 13.45:

Elektor publishes an article about your development. https://www.elektormagazine.de/news/kleinster-mac-plus-der-welt-basiert-auf-esp32. I think that's great. Give out more information and a replica instruction. Count me in. greeting Kurt P.

Thomas wrote at 6 Dec 2017, 18.19:

Will you post an article concerning the Mac Plus on a ESP32?

Nick wrote at 22 Oct 2017, 17.48:

Is there any way to get to the ax206 software again? the picframe.spritesserver.nl is non functional. (some database error).

N33T wrote at 26 Jul 2017, 4.19:

Implementing/Modifying the (VNC/UDP"server" <--> Esp32) code from your mini-gameboy into my Esp32 "GPS" dev board project is the stuff of my dreams. Thank you for your contributions.

Greg wrote at 25 Jul 2017, 11.17:

Trying to get a handle on the esp and SDK. Your project makes a helpful start. Thanks

Me wrote at 8 Jul 2017, 7.22:

Flashing Light Prize 2017: Servers as Distributed World-wide Delay Elements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t1qx0uWTSg The Tiniest Game Boy for Your Key Chain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYXAZZfJm-g

Robson wrote at 2 May 2017, 22.38:

Hello Sprite. How are you? Hope you are fine.You sorta desappeared after your game boy keychain talk(loved it). There are hackers very keen to read your write-ups again. I have learned a lot visiting here. Thanks for sharing your projects. Best regards. Robson.

grooves wrote at 2 Apr 2017, 8.46:

Hi Sprite, Thank you for the great httpd project, I have used it in a lot of home automation nodes. Now I want to move to esp32, do you plan to integrate the httpd project into the new IDF SDK ? I look forward to hear your comment grooves1@gmx.de

Ram wrote at 11 Jan 2017, 4.29:

Thank You for the httpd project! I just got it to work after stumbling through the eclipse & tool chain setup in Win 10. If you ever update it, please add a note to the readme to indicate that htmlflash has to be double clicked in addition to flash in order to send the page content to SPI flash. I still do have a few minor problems, probably my fault - going to try to solve them myself as I learn more that way! Just studying your code alone should be a great way to learn ESP coding!

Buddy Casino wrote at 11 Dec 2016, 18.03:

I loved your MP3 project for the ESP6266 - you mentioned you were planning a similar project for the ESP32, are you working on that? Or is there an open source project to join your efforts?

Marko wrote at 7 Dec 2016, 21.24:

Sprite_tm, amazing work on the tiny Game Boy! Since you live in China now, you should totally tip off some local companies about this project (when you release the software, 3D plans and the schematics) and I'm sure it will become a reality in no time without legal risk to you :)

Sprite_tm wrote at 2 Dec 2016, 9.05:

Sam: Nope, not a chance. Way too much risk of the big N opening a can of lawyers on me.

Sam wrote at 29 Nov 2016, 23.02:

Are you planning to release the keychain gameboy for sale? I would be a great gadget to have! I understand it will be very beta-like ;-)

dimag wrote at 22 Sep 2016, 15.41:

do you think your cool esp31-smsemu could run some day controlled via bluetooth gamepad? evntually on esp32?

popcorn wrote at 10 Nov 2015, 6.43:

It should be great to have you all in our free open IoT network. The Things Network. Who is first? Sprite_tm or someone else? http://forum.thethingsnetwork.org/t/30-gateway-who-is-gonna-fix-it/538/1

Sprite_tm wrote at 7 Nov 2015, 12.48:

No worries, I'm still alive, but I moved to what is basically the other side of the world. I had to leave almost my entire electronic lab behind and rebuild it here. That all is done and I'm happily working on projects again; it just takes a while for it all to end up as something I can publish, though. If anything, I'll be speaking on the Hackaday Supercon next week, and I'll be making an article about it shortly afterwards.

A fan wrote at 6 Nov 2015, 20.32:

Sprite, I am on of your biggest fans. I check your webpage every day, I have read all your articles. Please, tell us why you havn't posted a project for months! I am worried that something could have happened to you! You're a great person and I don't want to think you've died. Please tell us what's happening!

none wrote at 18 Sep 2015, 5.48:

Please do post a few bits of info about your coin validator attempt (youtube link in the comments here) : what measuring principle you used and why it failed. Site and projects much appreciated.

Gosha_from_Russia wrote at 17 Mar 2015, 18.20:

You are a greet men. Your code work perfectly.

JS wrote at 10 Mar 2015, 17.36:

Tipped! Great work on the e-ink displays!

Aidan Ruff wrote at 3 Mar 2015, 21.26:

Hi Love the esphttpd software. I've modded it to handle MQTT protocol for some home automation stuff I'm working on. Problem I've got is getting mkespfsimage.exe to work. I've managed to build the 2012 version using visual studio and I can create the webpages file and blow it to the esp module, but it comes up with magic errors. I've over riden the compeession types ro 1 and level ro 1 and it produces a file of the correct size (approx. 41K) but it doesn't work. I'm having a crack at compiling under cygwin but not really getting anywhere, but I'm a linux newbie. I don't suppose you have a mkespfsimage.exe dor Windows hanging around? In guess that even a compiled Linux version would be useful as I could run it under debian or ubuntu. Currently, I've got a raspberry pi2 running debian, mosquitto MQTT, Node Red and a MYSQL server. All of this gets hooked to by the ESP module! I've also done a little board with an Atmel ATTiNY85 that handles the reset and GPIO0 to make programming automatic ala Arduino. It also has a temperature sensor and an opto relay for mains control..lots of fun I need to mod the web pages so that I can configure the MQTT server details ... I've already made the SSID setup work on a button at power up and saved the details to flash, but I'm stuck on generating new setup web pages. Any help would be greatly appreciated Aidan (aidan@ruffs.net)

Mylonas wrote at 17 Feb 2015, 9.55:

The HDD hack is by far the best hack I've come across since "hacking security cameras like a hollywood hacker" blackhat presentation on youtube. You could write a childrens storybook on hacks with your writing style, it wasn't a burden on my mind to read :)

Domo wrote at 15 Jan 2015, 14.53:

Liked your CM Storm keyboard hack. BTW is there step by step how to open up the whole keyboard? Thanks ;)

na1pir wrote at 3 Jan 2015, 10.27:

Jeroen you are my personal hero! Esphttpd rocks, and I'll probably somehow reuse your attiny FM transmitter code in some future project as geochaching gift... and after seeing your Linux radio I'll probably revisit my openwrt radio build as well.

PuceBaboon wrote at 31 Dec 2014, 13.19:

The ESP8266 web-server example (esphttpd) is great! Many thanks for publishing it (and for the people who got to this page and have no idea what I'm talking about, check <A HREF="http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=376&hilit=esphttpd">esp8266.com/esphttpd</A>).

chrysalius wrote at 26 Nov 2014, 19.27:

Hello! I read your article at http://spritesmods.com about "iStorage Disk Genie". Could you help me about another item from iStorage "datAshur" (USB Flash drive - http://istorage-uk.com/datashur.php). Am I right that this flash drive good outside but bad inside like "iStorage Disk Genie"? Have you got any foto from inside of iStorage "datAshur"?

Rick Bronson wrote at 25 Nov 2014, 22.33:

The formatting on my bug fix seemed to have went haywire. Here it is: Change "int len" to "size_t len" in esphttpd/mkespfsimage/main.c

Rick Bronson wrote at 25 Nov 2014, 22.18:

Found a bug, causes a crash on my Debian 7 box, ends up over writing &enc with zero, here is the fix: diff -b -c /home/rick/boards/esp8266/esphttpd/mkespfsimage/main.c.\~1\~ /home/rick/boards/esp8266/esphttpd/mkespfsimage/main.c *** /home/rick/boards/esp8266/esphttpd/mkespfsimage/main.c.~1~ 2014-11-19 21:11:05.000000000 -0800 --- /home/rick/boards/esp8266/esphttpd/mkespfsimage/main.c 2014-11-25 14:05:25.057572406 -0800 *************** *** 36,42 **** size_t compressHeatshrink(char *in, int insize, char *out, int outsize, int level) { char *inp=in; char *outp=out; ! int len; int ws[]={5, 6, 8, 11, 13}; int ls[]={3, 3, 4, 4, 4}; HSE_poll_res pres; --- 36,42 ---- size_t compressHeatshrink(char *in, int insize, char *out, int outsize, int level) { char *inp=in; char *outp=out; ! size_t len; int ws[]={5, 6, 8, 11, 13}; int ls[]={3, 3, 4, 4, 4}; HSE_poll_res pres;

jithin wrote at 4 Nov 2014, 14.40:

Hi... I've been trying to modify your webserver example to fetch data from a UART device. Here's the problem.. Although the communication works, the watchdog timer resets the device if there's the slightest delay in fetching the UART data. How do I disable the WDT? I can see some Register declarations, but can't figure out how to use them Thanks One more thing : Could you post a way to disable the debug output altogether? Will save me the trouble of having to make the connected devices reject the debug data and look for a header segment Thanks

jithin wrote at 3 Nov 2014, 10.46:

great work on the ESP webserver! Thanks a ton

Sam wrote at 28 Oct 2014, 19.06:

Hello Sprite, thanks for your ESP8266-Demos with Sourcecode! Hope to see you on the HackADay-Workshop in Munich!

Kathyelecfreaks wrote at 1 Jul 2014, 2.55:

Hi Sprite, This is DIY cardboard laser piano page: http://www.elecfreaks.com/7079.html It is just cool. Enjoy Kathy

Andre wrote at 22 Jun 2014, 6.55:

Hi, I have two 16GB and an 8GB chip from broken Ipod Touch units here as well as a few assorted Flash chips. Any use? I tried to transplant one onto a BGA capable pendrive but it isn't doing anything. Can send this too as it might be handy due to the large pin spacings. Had a thought about interfacing to chips, what about using an elastomer based system and 3D printed clamp? The connectors used on Poundland voltage sensors are useful here, discovered that ages ago.

Jake M wrote at 14 Nov 2013, 18.07:

This looks like a great forthcoming product, but I wonder how secure it is... Maybe worth your expert hacking efforts? http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57612054-94/inside-coins-techie-vision-for-the-all-in-one-credit-card/

Randolf wrote at 20 Aug 2013, 13.08:

Keep rolling! The HDD mod is an excellent job done.

kg86 wrote at 8 Aug 2013, 13.49:

just plain awesomeness!! thanks for writing this up and the pics, the details. Enjoyed the reading!

Sprite_tm wrote at 19 Apr 2013, 1.37:

Rashid: Even if I did know what an AED is or fils are, I have no clue about commercial coin validators. I suggest you go contact some manufacturers of those, which imo you should have done long before commenting here.

Sprite_tm wrote at 19 Apr 2013, 1.34:

Sorry, the coin validator isn't done yet... I can get it to validate coins fairly well directly after calibrating it, but temperature, humidity, the phase of the moon and who knows what else makes it pretty unreliable even after sitting for just one day, making it kinda useless. I'm still planning on picking up the project again, but I'm not sure when I'll find the time.

Rashid Hakim wrote at 18 Apr 2013, 9.11:

Hi! I wonder if you can suggest me the coin validator to allow me validate 2 different coins. AED 1 or 50 fils. On validation of AED 1 I should get the SHORT pulse or on insertion of 2 50 fils i should get5 a SHORT pulse.I would want to know if I can get the interface as well to give me ingformation through the LCD about the status.Requesting to "insert coin". Then giving message while it is processing to "Please Wait" .

irouroui wrote at 18 Apr 2013, 8.25:

any information about your coin video please ? what sensor are you using ?

Team CryptX2 wrote at 28 Nov 2012, 9.10:

Hi, Thought you would be interested to see the project we have developed. CryptX2: an Open Source Hardware Encrypted Storage Device The campaign is up for about 2 more weeks at http://www.indiegogo.com/CryptX2 Or the main website is here http://www.cryptx2.com/ Let us know if you have any questions or feedback about it. Thanks

pharos wrote at 21 Sep 2012, 9.18:

Very cool! I did a somewhat similar hack not long ago, but since I didn't know about the ZIF socket I used the more expensive 360 Clip and a RPi to bit-bang it. See http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=16775 The main issue with the 360 Clip is that the contact with the NAND is not very good, and in addition part of the PCB sticks out of the clip, leading to inability to position the clip if there is a high enough component, like a capa, on one side of the NAND.

JoeJoe wrote at 11 Sep 2012, 16.15:

I can't wait!

Sprite_tm wrote at 10 Sep 2012, 20.14:

J.W.: I hear ya! I've got a small project that's almost done, and after that hopefully a nice story about hacking, security and getting to bits of 'secret' code... if I succeed that is :)

J.W. wrote at 10 Sep 2012, 19.34:

Anxiously awaiting your next project!!

Tron wrote at 5 Aug 2012, 22.27:

Hey, tried your wiimote patch for latest mam2 (146), complied and install all fine however when playing any shooting game the target seems to randomly jump to the top of the screen and them back to where your aiming e.g. jumpy. Any idea why this would be happening? P.S its not the batteries or IR source (works fine on desktop, just jumpy in mame). Thanks

on wrote at 15 Apr 2012, 13.15:

Hi. Do you still have this Sweex LB000021 router? Because I would like to know does USB sound card works on it? Are you able to hack cheap mp3 player that could serve as sound card with hardware mp3 decoder for internet radio client?

Sprite_tm wrote at 11 Apr 2012, 10.54:

Marko: Yes, that\'s the way I can produce this many projects... but you weren\'t really supposed to know that. I\'ll remove the evidence, and if you can just look into this little flashing device...

Marko wrote at 8 Apr 2012, 20.58:

\"Last added projects: May 15 2012\" I see you finally invented the time machine, Sprite :) :)

Jake wrote at 12 Mar 2012, 21.37:

Have you worked at all on home automation? I\'m looking into ZigBee, but all the consumer products are lacking, in my opinion. Whole-house monitoring is cool, but remote control of individual appliances sounds like a lot more fun.

bolt wrote at 9 Feb 2012, 22.46:

Awesome! Been following your RSS feed for a while. Finally noticed that donate button. Love the mac mod. I stuffed an ITX board and a 9\" LCD in mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QWzXq-eqbE

matias wrote at 28 Nov 2011, 2.46:

HEllo, saw your zx3 hack, well done!, have a ZX5 and was looking for the possibility to hack it so the video utput via usb/hdmi can do live view on a tv while filming, an may be also to have manual exposure control over automatic. Could you give me some advice or tips ( never done something like this on a divece but I´m looking foward to do it) Thanks! if you could respond me my mail is matias_2212@hotmail.com Thanks !

impulsive wrote at 20 Sep 2011, 18.03:

*spits on and rubs button clean* Now it validates as 10 Euro coin..

buZz wrote at 19 Sep 2011, 11.57:

Check out this, guess you have work to do : http://www.security.nl/artikel/38534/1/AIVD_keurt_tweede_USB-stick_voor_overheid_goed.html

Sprite_tm wrote at 10 Aug 2011, 18.54:

marc: Oh, you did? Why didn\'t you just say so? Here, have a new article :)

Marc wrote at 10 Aug 2011, 14.03:

We want more!

Sprite_tm wrote at 27 Jul 2011, 6.05:

Stereohead: I\'ll probably publish it as soon as I get it to work a bit better... at the moment, the detection criteria wander off as soon as the temperature/humidity/phase-of-the-moon changes.

Stereohead wrote at 25 Jul 2011, 18.13:

I realy like your hack\'s sprite_tm. I\'m proud to be dutch :) Just wondering whether you are publishing your articlee about your coin-validator, as in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joedTMgo4Nk . Can you tell me what method you used to distinquise the coins?

Lotsoftime wrote at 21 Jun 2011, 11.25:

> I only work 4 days a week That explains some. But may I suggest you cut that down to say, one or two days to cover cost of living, in order to free the rest up to create even more projects to amaze us!

Sprite_tm wrote at 21 Jun 2011, 10.13:

I only work 4 days a week, so I have some extra time. I also am single, so no family to eat up time, and that all adds up to a fair amount of free time. Of course, stuff like socializing and friends tend to creep in (no idea how, but I seem to have somehow acquired a life outside of the online world) but all in all there\'s still a rather sizy chunk of time I can use for interesting projects.

Lotsoftime wrote at 20 Jun 2011, 15.50:

Are you single, quick & tireless, with a half-time job -- or where do you take the time to create all this?

Raven wrote at 28 May 2011, 0.10:

>drop button :(

Sprite_tm wrote at 19 May 2011, 8.51:

@Raven: Hey, that button has been like a button to me!

Raven wrote at 17 May 2011, 15.43:

>take jar >take lint >take button >drop jar >w >w >w >w

Andre wrote at 16 Apr 2011, 14.25:

Neat site, I liked the thermochromic clock... :-) -A

None wrote at 17 Dec 2010, 14.49:

Please do publish your utility meter interface project!

JoeJoe wrote at 7 Nov 2010, 1.12:

That was worth the wait, thanks, will keep monitoring.

Sprite_tm wrote at 29 Oct 2010, 15.29:

Agreed :) I\'m atm finishing the writeup of an article, but the project is quite omghuge so it takes some time to get everything documented...

JoeJoe wrote at 28 Oct 2010, 0.50:


Sprite_tm wrote at 13 Sep 2010, 9.56:

NrDesign: Danke schon :)

NrDesign wrote at 13 Sep 2010, 8.30:

Sent you a couple of €\'s, thanks for all the inspiration!

Sprite_tm wrote at 14 Aug 2010, 23.29:

Eugene: Sorry, I\'d rather spend the little amount of free time I have on the design of new things. Aside from that: I don\'t have a Wind myself, so I have no way to test any cables I make. I\'d suggest you go find someone in your are who\'s good at soldering: building such a cable isn\'t that hard in itself.

Eugene wrote at 13 Aug 2010, 18.28:

Hey. I found your site from your friend\'s Make article on adding a Pixel Qi screen to his Wind. Would you be interested in selling these cables? I\'d be pretty happy to buy one or two. Interested?

Fan wrote at 27 Jul 2010, 11.08:

Hey nice stuff!

Ubergeek85 wrote at 4 Mar 2010, 3.03:

I\'ve followed you site for a while and I really like it, and I admire what you do. I\'ve reached deep and sent a few euros your way, I hope it helps

Sprite_tm wrote at 12 Nov 2009, 12.48:

Yeah, I really oughtta... perhaps later, I've got one or two projects in the queue first before I blow the dust off of that one.

NrDesign wrote at 10 Nov 2009, 3.11:

Are you going to post the documentation for the 10$ 3D-Monitor? :D

JoeJpe wrote at 7 Sep 2009, 20.55:

Nobody's perfect.

Sprite_tm wrote at 7 Sep 2009, 8.02:

Nope. I'm a fan of the GPL because I tend to hack some things which in theory could become a commercial project. I'd hate not to be able to hack a device which even ended up containing my own code. If a company would like a commercial license for my code, we could always discuss that, but every non-trivial piece of code I write is going to end up being under the GPLv3.

JoeJoe wrote at 7 Sep 2009, 2.46:

For this new project, would you considering using the BSD license instead of the GPLv3?

Sprite_tm wrote at 6 Sep 2009, 14.16:

Working on it; there's a project in the queue which I really like. The hardware for it is almost finished, the software should be a doozy and writing the article will probably eat up most of my time. ETA is 10 days or so, at least I hope it is.

2d5df wrote at 4 Sep 2009, 3.19:

No moar? :-(

JoeJoe wrote at 7 Aug 2009, 14.30:

Yay! Hacks!

Sprite_tm wrote at 5 Aug 2009, 18.43:

* Sprite_tm munches on some chips...

JoeJoe wrote at 3 Aug 2009, 15.43:

After long discussion, we've agreed to allow you to eat 1 bag of potato chips each day.. no more, no less.

JoeJoe wrote at 3 Aug 2009, 0.49:

We your loyal fans demand daily hacks, without any regard to your daily living requirements.. like work, food or sleep.

ironkey wrote at 13 Jul 2009, 15.32:

It would be extremely interesting to see if you can hack IronKey or at least give us some thoughts about its claimed military level of security.

wannabe wrote at 3 Jul 2009, 21.26:

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I usually get held up by: more important stuff, the long way to a pcb (no nice eda), limited programming genius, even more interesting/important projects, complicated problems :-( But I'm working on it :-)

Sprite_tm wrote at 19 Jun 2009, 22.05:

Thanks :) I have a 32-hour job, which leaves 3 days a week free for me. Usually, one to one-and-a-half of these is filled with boring stuff like cleaning, keeping the house in shape, scouting etc, but the rest I can use for interesting projects. Unfortunately, about half of the projects fail in a more or less early stage, so there's some time I don't spend on any projects which will make it to the website. (I'll maybe post them sometimes; even if not completely finished, there still are a couple of interesting things in between.) All in all, it's still enough time to do one project a month; my productivity is more limited by a lack of inspiration than by a lack of time.

wannabe wrote at 19 Jun 2009, 18.09:

I'm amazed by your hack-productivity. How much time do you spend planning, researching, soldering, programming to output a project roughly each month?

JoeJoe wrote at 15 Jun 2009, 1.59:

Yay! looking forward to it.

Sprite_tm wrote at 14 Jun 2009, 22.01:

Working on it. This month, I had a bit less time due to me having to give a workshop in Madrid, so I spent a whole week there. Tons of fun (thanks, Obsoletos!) but not too productive. I did get an idea there which I just finished building (hint: youtube -> spritetm) so expect a new article in a few days.

JoeJoe wrote at 13 Jun 2009, 2.11:

Give us hacks, or give us death.

M31H4X0R wrote at 27 May 2009, 23.04:

Good Job Man

chandpriyankara wrote at 9 May 2009, 16.56:

Hey, guys! y couldn't i found this site earlier???????? that the blame to you! your work on reading optical mouse sensor is really gret idea. i was using an optical mouse in PS/2 mode to get the possition of a path guide robot. but now i'm removing all my LDR and IR sensors for few older optical mouses! thats a great idea! thanks! chandpriyankara@gmail.com

spazb wrote at 6 May 2009, 14.03:

hey sprite, great fan of your mods keep em coming!

Sprite_tm wrote at 11 Mar 2009, 10.41:

The tip-jar-button is fixed now: you should arrive at an English paypal-page when you click it.

Sprite_tm wrote at 10 Mar 2009, 22.42:

Hmm, paypal seems to be 'nice' enough to send you to the Dutch page instead of to the English page I selected when I copypasted the link-code. I'll look into it when I've got the time; if you want to donate money you can do it directly to my account at paypal at jeroen dot ietsmet dot nl.

David wrote at 10 Mar 2009, 4.32:

I'd tip your tip jar a bit, but unfortunately I only grok english and there's an unrecognizable error on the paypal/tip jar page. I considered just paypaling your email address but then it wouldn't go to the jar. :/ david@blue-labs.org

Sprite_tm wrote at 15 Feb 2009, 11.28:

I'd love to :) I seem to be one day late for it, though. Moved to my new house yesterday.

JoeJoe wrote at 14 Feb 2009, 21.27:

Will you be my valentine?

bobclifford wrote at 30 Jan 2009, 8.15:

thank you for your fine work, it is appreciated, never stop (using converted wskp-100)

strider_mt2k wrote at 26 Dec 2008, 14.01:

I've recently become a fan of your work via hackaday.com. Your site has been bookmarked! Happy Holidays!

JoeJoe wrote at 26 Dec 2008, 2.26:

Merry Christmas, you awesome hacker you. :-)

Sprite_tm wrote at 5 Dec 2008, 10.16:

Fixed now. I kinda accidentally inverted a bot-check; you could only send me mail if you were a spambot :X

Robin wrote at 2 Dec 2008, 14.33:

hey man your contact page isnt working anymore

JoeJoe wrote at 17 Nov 2008, 22.52:

YAY! you sure know how to make a girl happy.

Sprite_tm wrote at 14 Nov 2008, 23.05:

And as you may have seen, stuff has settled a bit and I'm publishing projects again. 2 done and I'm working on some more; as long as nothing comes up I'll be publishing once every month or so again.

Sprite_tm wrote at 13 Sep 2008, 21.18:

JoeJoe: I seem to have this thing called a 'life' which consists of work and other people and stuff like that. I'm not quite sure how I came to own one, but it sometimes does take up some of my time. At the moment, the time-uptaking properties of it kinda have pushed the article-writing to the background: I still do have one or two things lying around, but can't seem to get the time to document them :/

JoeJoe wrote at 31 Aug 2008, 14.58:

Why has thou abandoned us. :(

Holden wrote at 29 Aug 2008, 10.57:

Hi. I was able to acquire some Acer WT300s. I want to use them as thin clients. Can you share with me your LinuxBIOS+PXE image? Or share with me your Linux BIOS configurations? Thanks. holdenhao at gmail dot com

Walter wrote at 28 Jul 2008, 20.55:

To Spritesmods.com Team, I would like to speak to someone that manages your online advertising revenue. Chitika provides a service that automatically matches highly relevant and targeted ads with web site content. Through our *Premium* program publishers like you are earning as much as $31.00 eCPM rates. Please let me know who I should contact. Thanks. From Walter Chitika.com E-mail: wperlman@chitika.com 508-449-3870 ext 1

idaho wrote at 20 May 2008, 20.39:

Hey Sprite. I love the article on your digital keychain hack. Have you come across any smaller-form digital photo frames? If not, got any idea of the components needed to make the smallest digital photo frame known to man?

JoeJoe wrote at 3 May 2008, 18.05:

@julia howard, You just asked a question, a very redundant one.. don't be silly.

julia howard wrote at 2 May 2008, 17.44:

Please could you inform me as to how I can ask a question on this site. email: juliarachel_howard@yahoo.co.uk

Scanboostar wrote at 1 May 2008, 7.19:

Just got 2 free scanners and a printer on Queensday ;->

dave_at_ironkey wrote at 25 Apr 2008, 21.56:

Hi. You can get an IronKey in Europe from our UK resellers AllPoint and Complete Source. http://www.allpoint-security.com/ http://www.secure-usb-flash-drive.co.uk/

Sprite_tm wrote at 5 Apr 2008, 22.03:

No prob :) Atm, I'm working on two things which both are large-ish projects, so they take some time to actually finish. In the mean time, I'll see if I have something that's published elsewhere that I can put online here too; if I find something, I'll try and put it online tomorrow. Indeed, this site has been without updates for too long ;)

JoeJoe wrote at 5 Apr 2008, 15.31:

Sorry to bother ya, but are you planning to release anymore articles soon? :) - I haven't been able to find another site even remotely like your own, which is kinda sad. :(

Tom wrote at 31 Mar 2008, 15.58:

They probably don't want you (sprite) to get one in your hands, because you'll probably crack this device too :P

Sprite_tm wrote at 25 Mar 2008, 11.33:

The IronKey sounds like a secure device. Unfortunately, they seem to be restricted to export it to Europe, where I'm based, so I have no hands-on experience to see if the security is real or not.

JoeJoe wrote at 24 Mar 2008, 7.16:

Hey Sprite_tm, A friend of mine has been gloating about the "IronKey", from their site description is sounds secure. (Although Windows/OSX only..) Have you seen it? https://www.ironkey.com/

Sprite_tm wrote at 18 Mar 2008, 10.11:

Done. Please be more carefull about where you fill in your email-address next time, tho'.

pramod wrote at 17 Mar 2008, 16.43:

hey site-owner please remove the email in the first comment at the bottom dated 3rd oct 2006!!!!!!!

michu wrote at 4 Mar 2008, 9.41:

check out the wiki: http://picframe.spritesserver.nl/wiki/index.php/Main_Page you could send the hacks to me or Bifferos to add. cheers

Jesse wrote at 3 Mar 2008, 1.05:

I hope you're still alive, haven't seen anything of late.

MRX wrote at 2 Mar 2008, 21.20:

The picframe email address you supplied does reject all emails... where to send hacks to?

michael wrote at 23 Jan 2008, 23.12:

wonderful hacks! why not make these comments in reverse order?

JoeJoe wrote at 26 Nov 2007, 0.56:

Instructables is so lame Matt, please stop trying to recruit intelligent people.

Matt wrote at 5 Nov 2007, 18.37:

Your hacks and tutorials are intense. Pulsing an RGB LED to run a POI display is just brilliant. I work for Instructables.com and have to say there's a keen lack of clever hacks like your own represented on the site. Would you consider posting there?

Sprite_tm wrote at 4 Nov 2007, 11.01:

And again a move problem :) All fixed now, thanks for notifying me.

Eugene Cuprin wrote at 2 Nov 2007, 17.11:

Your mail server refuses to accept e-mails. Kindly e-mail me to eugene(at)n-trance.com Thank you in advance

Sprite_tm wrote at 1 Nov 2007, 21.03:

Hmm, must be a result from moving between servers. I've fixed it.

JoeJoe wrote at 1 Nov 2007, 16.36:

Hey, Your RSS feed is broken.. :(

Alexsandro wrote at 30 Oct 2007, 7.55:

I once read about the 'electronic stamp' than 'the knock to open' rig and now I realize they are from the same blog as the "LED fan clock" ! Congratulation , man ! All of these well documented also. BTW I like paper sketches. A.

Sprite_tm wrote at 20 Oct 2007, 10.33:

Nope, I'm still alive. There are a couple of good articles coming up, but I'm involved in other projects too and the articles that I'm going to publish are things in cooperation with other sites, so they unfortunately take a lot longer to arrange. ETA til a new article is about 2 weeks, so stay tuned :)

JoeJoe wrote at 14 Oct 2007, 15.58:

Did you die? :(

dilan wrote at 19 Jul 2007, 13.53:

i enjoyed your article on Secure sticks! Very much happy more Tronic Hackings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt wrote at 12 Jun 2007, 2.13:

Thanks, I enjoyed Knock To Open! Also, nice IBM Model M Keyboard :)

joppe wrote at 8 Jun 2007, 10.37:

nice work on the usb-sticks

likebike wrote at 26 May 2007, 13.25:

Wow! I love this site. I especially like the gp2x USB hack. Have you tried using a wireless USB adapter with this? Did it work? Also, can you recommend the best place/books to learn all this neat stuff? Thank you.

Sprite_tm wrote at 15 May 2007, 13.40:

An RSS-feed sounds OK, I'll try and implement it. I'm not sure about e-mail-nodification, but I'll see what I can do.

geekabit wrote at 15 May 2007, 12.39:

Luka; great idea, sign me up too

Oli wrote at 15 May 2007, 12.38:

How about an RSS feed, and great site.

Luka wrote at 15 May 2007, 10.09:

Hey mate, keep up a good work! One small suggestion, make a mailing lists or announce list where ppl can sign in and you can broadcast your new stuff! :) Best regards from sunny Belgrade Luka

julio wrote at 13 May 2007, 1.37:

Very Good. The softaware is very interesting. I realy want know what it is developed.

Zwaai wrote at 27 Apr 2007, 11.48:

Like your work! What do you do for a living?

mohammad wrote at 26 Apr 2007, 19.49:

good and i think it well be most popuoler for other

steve wrote at 23 Apr 2007, 16.09:

awesome your'e a real pr0 with electronics and software

iztehsux wrote at 15 Apr 2007, 5.14:

what an awesome site! you are a truly creative individual. i salute your skillz.

Savenkov Alex wrote at 26 Mar 2007, 17.21:

Want good luck, I simply delighted

Markus wrote at 5 Mar 2007, 21.56:

No problem. I'm glad i could help.

Sprite_tm wrote at 4 Mar 2007, 22.07:

Damn, I noticed. Seems my provider changed my login details behind my back some time ago :/ Seems to work now tho'. Thanks for the info.

Markus wrote at 4 Mar 2007, 17.39:

Hi Sprite I think your email server is broken. greetz

Billy wrote at 15 Feb 2007, 16.48:

About the usb mod...you can email me at bferguson@centurytel.net

Billy wrote at 15 Feb 2007, 16.45:

I have an old Compaq Aero 2180 palm size pc running Windows CE Net v2.11. I want to add a usb port so I can connect a Delorme GPS Earthmate. I was wondering if you could tell me first of all if its possible and if so do you know of any reading material and/or websites that might be helpful.

fletch.tool@googlemail.com wrote at 2 Feb 2007, 19.12:

You never uploaded my schemac... i fear there is no love ='( :P... you seem to have been busy anyway ^_^ i like the beer tallier =)

Sprite_tm wrote at 22 Jan 2007, 16.47:

Pictures are fixed now. I've had two (yes, two) HD headcrashes in my server, and seemingly not all permission bits came back from the backup OK.

Anonymous wrote at 20 Jan 2007, 20.43:

I think your picture links are broken. Great article on the GP2X USB mod though. :)

Martyn wrote at 17 Jan 2007, 9.57:

Again, but why?

fletch.tool@googlemail.com wrote at 16 Jan 2007, 3.37:

Hey, I tried emailing but it didn't go through. I drew some schematics for a circuit, please email me so i can get it to you, it's much easier to read than your handywork ;) Fletch

Andrew wrote at 30 Oct 2006, 8.06:

I love the GP2X mods and I have a question: Have you tried/been able to get a usb wifi module working from the built in usb host port? Keep up the fun projects!

Paul wrote at 26 Oct 2006, 23.29:

Found your website! I like to read about your projects. there are fun to build (if only I had spare time!)

julian wrote at 11 Oct 2006, 1.34:

You had a great idea registering the new domain. Pleas keep your site updated. There are a lot of people (like you and me) who like to spend time doing these kind of things ;) regards

Alex wrote at 8 Oct 2006, 16.46:

Tree - House ?

geeneeyes wrote at 3 Oct 2006, 18.14:

keep up the good work and jazz up this website a little puts some ads too ;)

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