Page 1
Intro, idea, schematic
Page 2
Making the mat
Page 3
Making one yourself, disclaimer (+ discussion / remarks)
Do you like my hacking? If so, please consider leaving something in the
Fediverse (Mastodon etc): @Sprite_tm@social.
The pads themselves are nothing but a sheet of aluminiumfoil with a wire to the
microcontroller, lying underneath my carpet. This is the first one I made:
That's repeated 4 times, for the four directions. Commercial mats have 6 dancing pads, but I already find 4 challenging enough :)
I used a marker to indicate the 4 corners of the middle square, except for that
it seems like nothing is changed in comparison with the original floor.
Near my computer-table 4 wires come up, to which a PCB with the schematic is attached:
You can see the leds and trimmers as well as the uC.
The mat seems to perform excellent in StepMania. I still do fail many songs, but I don't think that's a problem with the mat...