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Laserjet and transparency sheets
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Making your own
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Conclusion (+ discussion / remarks)
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Fediverse (Mastodon etc): @Sprite_tm@social.
While this little trick doesn't give nearly as good a result as the storebuilt 3d-monitors do, for the few bucks you'll spend on them it's a nice trick. I've only shown 3d imagery, but in theory it should be possible to create movies and games that work with the simple parralax barrier too.
For your convenience, the links to the webbased stuff I mentioned in the article:
While the scripts behind the web-apps are a bit of a quick hack, I decided to publish them under the GPLv3 anyway. If you want them and aren't offended by badly written code, fetch them here.
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I found a shop that sells \'em for cheap, you can select from multiple formats. (german site) Their prices are considerably low and they ship outside germany. Sorry for the blatant advertising!
Can this be done as a viewer without a monitor, where I would print the pictures and put them in the display?
It took me about 10 tries to get the ghetto 3D monitor to work. you have to align the mask held away from the monitor. I didn\'t have a piece of glass, so i just cut square whole in the cardboard lid that came with the transparency sheets and taped the mask to it, this way the mask was a fixed 1.5cm from the monitor and allowed me to move the mask over the monitor without changing the distance. I couldn\\\'t get the lines to perfectly align so i ended up cheating by scaling the image in photoshop. it\\\'s a neat party trick, but doesn\\\'t really have any practical applications.
Wow, amazing post!! It was a pity I could not make it work here ... bought the sheet, got the glass, it was alligned ... but I didn\'t get the 3d-going out of the monitor effect ... I wonder why ... maybe my monitor is too pixel-dense ?
This technique could in theory be used with the vertical interlacing used by the sharp 3d monitor. However there are 3 problems: 1: the sharp monitor uses subpixel interlacing which means its interlaced RGBRGBRGB. for this to work you\\\'d need normal vertical interlacing. 2: secondly you would need to blockout all but every second pixel. this would mean using a submask that looks like this LXXRXXL. that would be placed directly on the monitor. You would then use a secondary mask held away from the monitor using the same technique for the ghetto 3d monitor (with some tweaking. 3: you would loose 2/3? of the resolution using this technique. conclusion: even if you simulate the output of the 3dsharp monitor on a standard monitor it still uses the wrong kinda of vertical interlacing since its subpixelled. I\\\'ve tried using the tridef3d driver to simulate this. Does anyone know of a 3d monitor that uses standard vertical interlacing? Lastly even if i get this to work the quality would be too bad to bother with.
I\'ve been playing around with this and discovered you can have much more detailed images by having the stripes closer together. This is what i did, i printed the linesonly.png at about half of its normal size. I then opened one of the 3d images from the gallery into photoshop. Holding the sheet a few millimeters from the screen i used the freetransform tool to scale it down until they lined up. Its rough and dirty but it works. I wonder if i can get this to work with games.
WOW! that\'s amazing!! that post really rocked!! I can\'t wait to buy transparency sheets to make this hack! I want to experiment with 3d movies too ...
jj: Not much; in the worst-case-scenario your eye sees two angles at the same time. Because the angles at which the images are shot don\'t differ that much, it doesn\'t actually hinder viewing the image that much, though. I have no idea if lenticular lenses work any better, though I\'d imagine they could.
I get the gist, but may not understand the technique completely. What prevents an eye (or both) from seeing through the pinholes a pair of partial pixels, (e.g. two half pixels). Or does it turn out that it is not a problem, and our eyes adjust their gaze angle rapidly to avoid the problem. The badly named lenticular lenses, don\'t have this problem, but perhaps you have discovered that they are over-engineered.
Ok so then the first column would be from the rightmost camera. Now I just have to figure out how to get Blender to render only a certain area rather than the entire frame to reduce render time. But right now I need to put together my viewer.
Nate: Exactly. Keep in mind that you view the leftmost colomn when your head is the most to the _right_ of the screen, though.
I\'m gonna try this, definitely. I would also like to try making a video using Blender. So if I use 8 cameras,each camera only contributes 1/8 of the image? like the first camera has the first column, then the 9th, then the 17th etc? I want to make a python script in Blender to do this for me, so I need to know how they go together. Thanks, Nate.
interesting hack... i was looking into using multiple layers of TFT panels (minus the polarisers) + sme clever software to generate a similar effect. The catch is that the panels have to be identical and each layer loses you 30%+ so the backlight needs to be pretty bright.
Thank you for the very complete write up. When i get back to the studio i will have to give this a try. I had seen a webpage selling lenticular lens somewhere.. and you were correct in them being expensive.
I\'m blown away. Lets all get ghetto 3-D!
I don\'t know if you are the one who made the parralax barrier wizard or not, but if you are, is there any chance you could change it so it only blocks off every other pixel? that way it would work with 3d youtube content when set to vertical interlace