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The buttons
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The hardware
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Software, build
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Results (+ discussion / remarks)
Do you like my hacking? If so, please consider leaving something in the
Fediverse (Mastodon etc): @Sprite_tm@social.
What would be more interesting of a nice video of this? I can't really think
of anything, so here goes: And yes, I've misspelled 'nove'... my Italian just isn't that good.
(Music is Gen's Song, by PDF Format.)
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I like most of your projects! Does this method allow for reliable pressure sensing (since you're using the ADC to detect a press)? Then you could also record the brightness..
Do sometime tripod buyen! Nice mod ^^ (Altho it isn't exactly modding anymore :P)
Probably just turns them on in sequence. As you turn each one on watch for a flash back on the sensor.
so each led is sanding out an unique digital signal for detection?
"And yes, I've misspelled 'nove'... my Italian just isn't that good." Actually, you've written "nine" in Portuguese! :P