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Fediverse (Mastodon etc): @Sprite_tm@social.
So, does it work? I'd say so. You can get a very clear indication if something is uploading or downloading, and the direction of rotation indicate which of the two it is. Here's a quick demo:
If you want to build your own, the sources can be downloaded over Git. You can also download the design for the acrylic if that helps you.
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What a nice gadget. Have you thought about starting a production of those? I am quite sure there is a market for it, maybe not a big market, but nevertheless maybe enough for you to earn som pocket money. :) You could set up a crowdfunding campaign to finance pcbs and housing for the device. I would buy one!
Great project! Time to make use of the Russian dekatrons I got a long time ago. Thank you for this :)
Its a beautiful looking widget.
Saludos desde España. Soy un simple aficionado de a la electrónica, de 70 años de edad, y este proyecto e alucinante. Felicidades He tenido problemas para descargar los archivos y no he sabido solucionarlo. ¡me ayudaría a solucionarlo! Un saludo