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Modifying the hardware
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Conclusion (+ discussion / remarks)
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Fediverse (Mastodon etc): @Sprite_tm@social.
So, now I have a box that keeps an eye out for me... not very useful, I agree. However, I had fun making it and if I ever have something more useful I can do with an 16x16 LED display in a box, I can, as I have the code to control it now. Speaking of code, feel free to download my hacky work here. Hope you enjoyed and stay safe.
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Nice project. I have a teensy 4 hooked up to the Ledcube and trying out some simple demos, my programm skills are very rusty and i wondered if you can give your 2cents if it would be an easy task to use your display driver code to integrate in the Arduino FastLED library as a driver for that board. i know it's 1color/grayscale only but it should be possible to map the rgb the grayscale instead?
Super hack and wirte up. Ikea is locked down in Denmark - Frekvens is not avali in online shop - Wanted the speaker stuff so much. /j
Could you somehow stack 12 together with one camera in the middle box? Creating a larger screen.
Wow! First of all, congratulations, nice project, beautiful hack and a well written post!! What a perfect combination! As @Yonatan said below, it reminds the Big Brother, so I thought it would look very nice if you made a second one, with the eye mirrored, and put them both on a bookshelf or on the wall, as if the books or the house was keeping track of you. Probably a bunch of extra work, bit maybe use the communication capabilities of the ESP to sync the eyes a little, just enough to not let them get cross-eyed.
really nice project! congrats!
This is awesome! Nice work. Given me inspiration to hack the ones I have.
WOuld be cool to mod this so it acts as a e1.162 node for something like xlights... Could be amazing,.
very nice Jeroen hope you are fine and safe! best wishes rudi
Very impressive and at most, creative. Reminds me of Big Brother...
You are definitely a genius, a hacky genius
Ikea now has a NEW product. It's called Frekvens. There's the LED matrix and a blinky light module. Not sure of others. Probably twice the price now.