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The hardware
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The Software
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The case
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Conclusion (+ discussion / remarks)
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Fediverse (Mastodon etc): @Sprite_tm@social.
So, that's how I put together a tiny Doom bauble from a cheap ESP32 and a small LCD that acts like an even smaller LCD. As usual, everything (schematics, PCB artwork, case design, firmware) is all publicly released so if you want to have your own little Doom machine adorning your Christmas tree, you can.
Merry Christmas!
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This is so cool indeed and also kinda insane (in a good way) :D ! Thanks for the detailed article & schematics !
This is way cool! Thanks for sharing it in all the detail.
That is so cool! And you just gave me an idea for getting Doom into a R/S Model 100. If the screen could be cut down to fit the 40 char x 8 line (is pixel-addressable) LCD, the rest of it, like this, could fit on a card that goes into the bus extender slot and takes over. Hmmmm. Gotta fix that M100...
I'm thinking if you could find a screen about twice the size, you could make a bauble closer in size to that ornament, and then make it much easier for people to see what is going on.
... me again If you'd like to show it on our online Santa Party - Join us @ New Jersey Linux around 7pm US eastern time here: Nick...
Great Job - wish I had the fortitude to build my own. Is it available to purchase anywhere? Nick...
This is awesome, thanks for sharing all the code and designs! I want to make my own one of these. I've also always wanted to make a mini PC running Windows 95, so might try to scale up the model to fit a bigger LCD and a Raspberry Pi.
Cool!! I can't wait to put it on my Xmas tree
Very impressive work, thank you for sharing.
Very cool !
Amazing! Carrying on with the 'Doom can run on this' idea. Well done!
Love it! So cool and unique!
OMG that's sick awesome. I wish to be patient enough