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Connecting an LCD
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A case
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Joystick, buttons, audio
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Power supply
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End result (+ discussion / remarks)
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Fediverse (Mastodon etc): @Sprite_tm@social.
The Raspberry Pi. Love it, hate it, but you'll have a hard time denying the fact that adding an EUR35 1GHz embedded machine to the arsenal of the average hobbyist is a good thing.
Recently, I got one of the Pi's myself exactly because of that reason: it's always useful to expand your toolset with something powerful and cheap. I didn't get it for a specific reason other than the fact I may have to use it somewhere in the future and it would be fun to play with it.
To make a long story short: Ofcourse I couldn't just be satisfied by just hooking it up to a TV and installing RaspBMC and playing some movies... so I ended up spending quit a lot more time than I originally envisioned. The end result does show it, though, I ended up with what may be the smallest MAME-powered arcade cabinet in the world:
This is the story of how I got there. If you want to duplicate any step I did, feel free: the designs and source code is all downloadable.
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