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A first glance
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Hacking the BIO-250U
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Hacking the iUSB
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Conclusion (+ discussion / remarks)
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After cracking the password-secured and self-destructing Secustick, and busting the security of two fingerprint-secured USB-sticks, the people at contacted me. They have two hard disks which are also secured: one uses a password-based authentication, the other uses a fingerprint. They asked me to try and crack the security of the two devices.
Both HDs arrived in standard cardboard packages. The units are basically manufactured as enclosures, but offers them with drives already built-in: perfect for people who are afraid to handle a screwdriver when near a sensitive electronic device. The iUSB-enclosure is the metallic one in the white/blue box. It is made by Synology. The other one is branded BIO-250U and doesn't seem to be made by any particular manufacturer. The price of the enclosures themselves, without an HD built in, is E55,- for the BIO-250U and E75,- for the iUSB. Not only sells these enclosures, they're sold around the world.
Both HDs arrived with a CD with drivers on it and 2 USB-cables (one for data, one for extra power.) I'm not a big fan of the 2-cables-to-get-power-idea myself; the solution needs two USB-ports to work OK and usually HDs using this 'bend' the USB-specs too much to be considered elegant. On the other hand: it eliminates the power-adapter, which is a good thing if you're using a laptop. According to, the second USB-cable usually isn't necessary most of the time, but seeing the HDs inside the enclosure can suck up to 1 ampere from the powerlines which are specced to put out at max 500mA, that solution is a bit dodgy too.
Both disks have some extra features, apart from securing data: the iUSB has a program to back up your data (not only files, but also Outlook-data) by one click of a button. The BIO-250U can encrypt files on your HD using your fingerprint, too.
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